
my excuse to talk about knitting, cats and life in general

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Welcome to my world

Dashed if I know what I'm doing, but here goes. I knit, I have Siamese cats, and so far this sounds pretty dull. I'm a stay-at-home mom to one daughter and wife to one husband. We're all a bit geeky, all scientists. I'm a former geologist, he's an organic chemist and she's a student physicist.

I'm a traditionalist Episcopalian, preferring the 1928 Book of Common Prayer to the "New Book" and sometimes ranting on about the Episcopal church. Don't be confused; I'm also a feminist (rather an old fashioned term these days) and I have no intrinsic opposition to women as priests. I'll judge any priest as an individual and I've certainly seen male priests who were veracity-impaired and therefore, in my not-so-humble opinion, not worthy of their calling.

I knit. Slowly, but I knit. I'm a great fan of Knitter's Review and the Yarn Harlot (aka Stephanie Pearl-McPhee). Two days ago, Stephanie threw down the gauntlet and established the Knitting Olympics. You choose a project that is challenging to you, you start it when the Olympic torch is lit and finish it before the torch is extinguished. Along with what seems to be a gazillion other knitters, I've signed on. Wish me luck.


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